Tips From the World’s Best Authors on Perfecting Your Writing

Refine Your Writing Skills with these Tips

Rossi Coyani
5 min readNov 8, 2020

Writing like so many other art forms takes consistent practice and repetition. It’s a skill that even the most veteran authors have to continue perfecting and improving on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, no matter how much you write, there will always be room to hone your abilities and story telling. Here are some words of advice from some of the worlds most notable authors and poets.

Margaret Atwood

“Just do it”

This slogan was made famous by Nike, but Atwood urges writers to make the plunge and just begin writing. Even though your creative juices might not be flowing right away, starting the process will definitely get them going.

I live in Minnesota, I like to call it the second tundra, and they have this charity event called the polar plunge. What happens is they cut a hole out of a frozen over lake, and for every person that jumps in, money is donated to this charity. When its 10 degrees outside, -12 Celsius for all my non-American readers, and the water is freezing, its never an ideal time to get hypothermia per say. However, since you know its for a good cause, you muster up the courage and make the leap. Similarly in…



Rossi Coyani

I make genuine connections with people | Writer for The Ascent, Illumination, The Innovation | World Traveler Extraordinaire | Nice to Meet You